Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers at St Nicholas and Demetrios Church in Vancouver, BC March 9th, 2014

click The Parish of St Michael the Archangel/СРПСКА ПРАВОСЛАВНА  ЦРКВА  СВ. АРХАНГЕЛ  МИХАИЛО  –  ВАНКУВЕР   in Burnaby, BC. (FB) would like all to know that the Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers will be at St. Nicholas and Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, Vancouver, BC.

Недеља Православља

Обавештавамо Вас да ће вечерње богослужење за Недељу Православља бити одржано у Грчкој Православној Цркви Св. Николаја и Димитрија унедељу 9. марта са почетком у 19ч.

Адреса:  4541 Boundary Rd, Vancouver, BC V5R 2N5


Sunday of Orthodoxy

We would like to let you know that Pan Orthodox Vespers will take  place at Sts. Nicholas & Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church on Sunday, March 9th at 7pm.

 Address: 4541 Boundary Road, Vancouver, B.C.  V5R 1N5

About editorOrthodoxNorthwest

An Orthodox Christian, whose interests also include, GO, Square Dancing, hiking, exploring, swimming, kayaking, cooking, history, board games. I am the Editor of OrthodoxNorthwest which I hope benefits readers in the NW. I do post Romanian, Greek and Slavic info but I cannot read any of them - hey, I am an American. Would appreciate hearing from readers of the blog. Χριστός Ανέστη! (Anthony)
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