Men’s Lenten Retreat March 20-22nd, 2015 Hosted by St John the Forerunner Monastery in Goldendale, WA

A Joyous Lent to All!  Remember the Suffering Christians of the Middle East in your prayers.

St John the Forerunner Monastery is hosting a Men’s Lenten Retreat with Fr Gregory Horton of Holy Myrrhbearing Women in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.  He is an excellent and inspiring speaker!  Brochure2015



About editorOrthodoxNorthwest

An Orthodox Christian, whose interests also include, GO, Square Dancing, hiking, exploring, swimming, kayaking, cooking, history, board games. I am the Editor of OrthodoxNorthwest which I hope benefits readers in the NW. I do post Romanian, Greek and Slavic info but I cannot read any of them - hey, I am an American. Would appreciate hearing from readers of the blog. Χριστός Ανέστη! (Anthony)
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