¨Evening of Serbia¨at the Church of St Michael Burnaby, Vancouver, British Columbia Oct 5, 2019

Saturday after the Universal Elevation of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
Nicetas the Goth (372).click
 The Parish of St Michael the Archangel/СРПСКА ПРАВОСЛАВНА  ЦРКВА  СВ. АРХАНГЕЛ  МИХАИЛО  –  ВАНКУВЕР   in Burnaby, BC. (FB)

Драга браћо и сестре,

Иако смо често презрени, ми Срби смо један од најбогатијих народа на свету, не по материјалном богатству и достигнућу, већ по својој вери по којој смо Христов народ . Богати смо по својој славној историји, те великом академско-научном, културно-просветном, књижевном стваралаштву, као и уметности и спорту.
Управо ради очувања нашег националног идентитета организујемо вечери посвећене исконским српским земљама и разнобојном босиоком, тамјаном и рузмарином мирисавом српском народу.

Прво вече у низу ће бити у суботу, 5. октобра у просторијама свечане црквене сале.
Распоред програма вечери:
19:00 Српска вечера
20:00 Културно-уметнички програм и наступ фолклорних група
21:00 Игранка. Забављаће вас Драган Петровић и Мира.

Резервишите ваше карте на време и позовите Биљану Кос на телефон 778-385-8245
Улаз – одрасли $40, омладина 15 година и више $20, деца бесплатно.

Добро дошли!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Although Serbians are often devalued, we are one of the oldest and richest nations in the world. We are rich not in material accomplishments, but we are rich because of our steadfast faith by which we are Christ’s people. We are rich in our glorious history and academic and scientific achievements. We are rich in literal and educational enlightenment as well as in our achievements in arts and sports.
To preserve this richness and to treasure our Serbian heritage, we organize evenings dedicated to ancient Serbian lands and diverse Serbian people.

First evening will be an evening of Republic of Serbian on Saturday, October 5th in the hall of our church.
Program Schedule:
19:00 Serbian Dinner
20:00 Cultural and folklore performances
21:00 Dance with Dragan Band – Dragan & Mira

Reserve your tickets on time and call Biljana Kos at 778-385-8245
Ticket: $40, youth from 15 years and up $20, children free




About editorOrthodoxNorthwest

An Orthodox Christian, whose interests also include, GO, Square Dancing, hiking, exploring, swimming, kayaking, cooking, history, board games. I am the Editor of OrthodoxNorthwest which I hope benefits readers in the NW. I do post Romanian, Greek and Slavic info but I cannot read any of them - hey, I am an American. Would appreciate hearing from readers of the blog. Χριστός Ανέστη! (Anthony) editorOrthodoxNorthwest@gmail.com
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