Thoughts on the re-vesting of St John by Oregon Priest

A Joyous Feast to all who Celebrate St Nicholas Today!

This past October the ROCOR Western Diocesan Clergy Conference was held in San Francisco headed by Archbishop Kyrill.  During the conference  the Relics of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco was re-vested.  Pictures of this rare and Holy Rite by Priest Peter Perekrestov are available along with a  short description of the event by Priest James Baglien of St Martin the Merciful in Corvallis Oregon.  (here is the description from the same website of the original opening of St John’s Tomb)

About editorOrthodoxNorthwest

An Orthodox Christian, whose interests also include, GO, Square Dancing, hiking, exploring, swimming, kayaking, cooking, history, board games. I am the Editor of OrthodoxNorthwest which I hope benefits readers in the NW. I do post Romanian, Greek and Slavic info but I cannot read any of them - hey, I am an American. Would appreciate hearing from readers of the blog. Χριστός Ανέστη! (Anthony)
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