Young Adults and Older Teens to Gather at Prophet Elijah Mission Sept 26th, 2014 Ellensburg, WA

Prophet Elijah Mission in Ellensburg Washington is starting a new young adult, ages 16-24ish, gathering for all “local” parishes.   This is a new endeavour, that they hope they can repeat regularly and eventually rotate parishes.  What a great idea! Seattle Portland, BC your not going to be outshone are you? –editor For the full scoop:  Youth Gathering letter


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19th Annual Greek Open to Benefit Agia Sophia Academy- Sept 22nd, 2014 Portland, Oregon

Agia Sophia Academy (Friends of Agia Sophia Academy FB-ed)  Presents:




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A Joyous Dormition Feast to All! 2014

The Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.




First Stasis
Tone 5
1. In a grave they laid Thee / O my Life and my Christ / and now also the Mother of Life / a strange sight
both to angels and men.
2. We magnify thee / O pure Theotokos / and we honor thy holy Dormition / as we bow before thine
hon’rable tomb.
3. How, O Mary, canst thou die / thou who art the life of faithful ones / and how can the tomb contain thy
body / which contained the One Which cannot be contained.
4. Queen who gavest birth to God / the King of the heavens / thou art now royally translated, O pure one / to
the kingdom of the heavens.
5. From the earth thou wast translated / but thou didst not forsake the earth / Now All-holy Theotokos /
liberate the whole world from mighty ones.
6. Gabriel was sent from God / to announce to thee the good news / of thine imminent departure from this
life / O thou pure and spotless heavenly Lady.
7. Receive, O Mother / from thy children our love / and these hymns and odes to bid thee farewell / which
we offer from the depth of our souls.
8. Leave us not orphaned, O Mother / as thou dost go from earth to heav’n / where thou will be reunited /
with thy Son and thy God.
9. Come with me, O Anna / Come and stand with us now / lead us in the festive praises of Mary / thine own
daughter, the Mother of God.
10. The God of glory / thy Son, O pure one / now admits thee as His Mother with glory / and enthrones thee at
His right hand.
11. The holy Apostles / O pure Theotokos / when they saw thine all-holy body / fell before it weeping
12. The gate enters the gate / and heaven enters heaven, / O ineffable and wondrous mystery! / Now the
throne draws near to the throne of God.Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Word of God, we hymn Thee / God of all things art Thou / with Thy Father and Thy Spirit Most Holy
praised / and we glorify Thy nature divine.
Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Ev’ry generation / blesses thee, O Theotokos / ever-virgin and sov’reign Lady / and we glorify thy

A Joyful Feast of the Dormition to All!  Below is a Maronite Hymn to the Dormition.  Different than the Byzantine but, yet, oh so familiar -enjoy.  Editor  Anthony

Koimisis ths Theotokou 2

Qolo: Assumption Entrance Hymn

Tune: Fsheeto

O Mother who gave Life to us,
petition on our behalf
the Son who appeared from you:
may he remove from us the blows of punishment,
and keep away divisions and disputes.
May he lead us in the path of life in which we journey
at all times.
On your memorial day,
we sing praise to your only Son.Alleluia!
Blessed are you, O Mary,
for God, who feeds all creatures,
was nourished by you
and rested on your breast.
O Wonder!
The Son of God was nourished
by a human creature!
He assumed what is ours
and gave us what is his.
On his mother’s memorial let us proclaim:
Glory to you, O Lord.

As dew was falling gently
over the city of Ephesus
Saint John wrote to its people.
He instructed them to celebrate
the memory of the Blessed Mary,
three times each year:
In January, during the time of planting of the seeds;
in May, during the time of harvest;
and in August, during the time of the grapes.
For the mysteries of life are prefigured in these months.

On your memorial day, O Blessed Mary,
angels and mortals are overwhelmed with joy.
The dead rejoice in their tombs
because of the glory in creation.
God will bless
those who celebrate your memory with faith
and pour his mercy upon them.

Who is to see a new ship
sustaining the One who is mighty;
the One who sustains and rules all creation.
Mary bore him, yet he bears all creation.
He nourishes all living creatures,
yet she nourished him with her milk.
He is the Maker of all infants,
yet he dwelt, as an infant, in her womb.
The fiery beings in the heights
sing hymns of praise to him!

(From the  Maronite Catholic: Qolo (Hymn) of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Qurbono, The Book of Offering, Maronite Catholic Church | English rendering 1994 | Ancient Maronite )   

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Festivlul Romanesc Sfanta Maria Biserica is having their Romanian Festival Aug 30-31, 2014

Dormition Fast A Joyous Fast to All!

Sfanta Maria in Portland, Oregon (FB) is having their Festival.  They have a FB dedicated to the Festival in English with pictures of the dancers, costumes and the tavern!  Noroc!

10599188_638654226229775_4200334301260740072_n (1)

This year, our community is honored to participate at the Project “School Supply Drive” , initiated by KGW TV and their partners. We invite you to be part of this project as well, and donate to the children in need, school suplies such as: pencils, crayons, notebook paper, and many more. You are welcome to drop them off during the Romanian Festival, on Labor Day Weekend.

Please, join us!


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“The Fall of Constantinople” Performed by Cappella Romana Seattle Aug 29 Seattle Portland Aug 30th, 2014

Dormition Fast A Joyous Fast to All!

Cappella Romana is performing:


The Fall of Constantinople
Cappella Romana, just before its European tour
Hear Ancient Byzantine Chanting from the cathedral of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople c. 1453. The program also features two poignant laments for the Fall of Constantinople, the first by Manuel Chrysaphes, the last imperial cantor at Hagia Sophia, and the second by Guillaume DuFay, the 15th century’s most important composer in the West.
Join us at 8:00 pm on Friday, August 29 at St. Joseph’s Parish located at 732 18th Ave E at Aloha, Capitol Hill, Seattle.Free pre-concert talk at 7 pm. Tickets start at $22 with discounts for seniors and students.  Visit or call 503-236-8202.Saturday, 30 August, 2014, 8:00pm St. Mary’s Cathedral in Portland

Cappella Romana on KING FM Northwest Focus

Classical KING FMWe are pleased to share that KING FM’s Sean MacLean has chosen to feature Cappella Romana and our Fall of Constantinople concert series from August 25th through the 28th! Make sure to tune in to KING FM and hear the following works before our Friday night Seattle concert:

Cappella Romana on KING FM Schedule:

Monday, August 25

  • Dufay: Lamentatio Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae at approximately 8:00pm

Tuesday, August 26

  • Chrysaphes: Lament for the Fall of Constantinople at approximately 8:00pm

Wednesday, August 27

  • Dufay: Ecclesiae militantis at approximately 9:00pm
  • Stellon: Polyelos at approximately 9:06pm

Thursday, August 28

  • Dufay: Apostolo glorioso, da Dio electo at approximately 8:00pm
  • Dufay: Vasilissa, ergo gaude at approximately 8:03pm
  • Gregorios the Domestikos: Kalophonic Coda for St. Basil/A New Addition at approximately 8:08pm

Concert Info

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“Born to Hate Reborn to Love” Upcoming Talks with Klaus Kenneth and Dr Christopher Veniamin Seattle Area Aug 26, 27,28, and Sept 4 -5th Eugene, Oregon 2014

Dormition Fast – A Joyous Fast to All!

Update with additional upcoming lectures.   See Mt Thabor publishers for more info:

Tuesday August 26th
Washington Orthodox Clergy Association

Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church (GOA)
19421 Ashworth Ave N,
Shoreline, Washington 98133

Contact: Fr. Thomas Tsagalakis @ (206) 801-7036 or


Event: 7:00 – 9:00 PM: Evening Talks with author Klaus Kenneth, “Beyond Nirvana: Real Stories about Finding God in the Midst of a Broken World”, with Q&A, with anIntroduction by Dr. Christopher Veniamin: “On Becoming Theologians: ‘Hesychia’ as a Prerequisite for the Encounter with God.


Wednesday August 27th
St Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church (GOA)
2100 Boyer Ave E,
Seattle, Washington 98112

Contact: Fr. Photios Dumont @ 206-631-2501 or


Event: 7:00 – 9:00 PM: Evening Talks with author Klaus Kenneth: “Beyond Nirvana: Theosis in the Orthodox Christian Tradition”, with Q&A, with an Introduction by Dr. Christopher Veniamin: “On Becoming Theologians: ‘Hesychia’ as a Prerequisite for the Encounter with God.

Thursday August 28th
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (GOA)
1523 Yakima Ave
Tacoma, Washington 98405

Contact: Fr. Seraphim Majmudar @ 253-272-0466 or


Event: 7:00 – 9:00 PM: Evening Talks with author Klaus Kenneth “My Spiritual Odyssey and Why I Wrote ‘Gods, Idols, Gurus’”, and Dr. Christopher Veniamin: “On Becoming Theologians: ‘Hesychia’ as a Prerequisite for the Encounter with God,” with Q&A.


Thursday September 4th
Northwest Christian University (Protestant)
828 E. 11th Ave.
Eugene, Oregon 97401

Contact: Prof. Ronald Heine (Professor of Biblical Studies) @ 541-684-7315 or


Event: 6:00 to 7:00 PM: Klaus Kenneth will make a presentation entitled, “My Spiritual Odyssey: From Sola Scriptura to the Communion of the Saints”, with an Introduction by Dr. Christopher Veniamin: “On Becoming Theologians: ‘Hesychia’ as a Prerequisite for the Encounter with God.

Friday September 5th
Northwest Christian University (Protestant)
828 E. 11th Ave.
Eugene, Oregon 97401

Contact: Prof. Ronald Heine (Professor of Biblical Studies) @ 541-684-7315 or


Event: 1:00 to 2:15 PM: Prof. Veniamin will guest teach: “On Becoming Theologians: ‘Hesychia’ as a Prerequisite for the Encounter with God,” with Q&A.


 The Washington Orthodox Clergy Association (WOCA) and Holy Apostles Shoreline presents:




Klaus Kenneth & Christopher Veniamin
Speakers Klaus Kenneth & Dr. Christopher Veniamin
Wednesday, August 27
6 pm Vespers
 7 pm Presentation and Discussion 
Free Will Offering Accepted
I would like to invite you to hear about the life and story of Klaus Kenneth and his incredible journey to the Orthodox Church on Wednesday, August 27th. Klaus’ testimony will inspire all of us, and strengthen our faith in Christ, and our Holy Orthodox Faith.
I hope to see you on Wednesday evening!
With Love In Christ,
+Fr. Photios

A Spiritual Odyssey from Head to Heart


Born to Hate, Reborn to Love is a story for our generation, a story that brings comfort, reassurance and hope to a world immersed in confusion, rejection and despair. Repelled and repulsed by those who ostensibly represented the Christian faith in his juvenescence, Klaus Kenneth naturally looked elsewhere for the solution to his lonely and tortured existence. In his sincere search for escape from rejection and abuse, Klaus found himself on an odyssey that took him around the world several times, lured him into a vortex of pleasure and power, and initiated him into the great philosophies and religious traditions of our times. Having tried it all, and reaching the very brink of the abyss of despair and the desire for nonexistence, Klaus encounters the One whom he had never thought to look for, the One that he had always discounted: the great I AM, the God of Love and healing, the God of regeneration and eternal life.

About the Author

How many people do you know who have faced a firing squad or had lengthy conversations with Mother Teresa? Klaus Kenneth has experienced both in his most extraordinary life. Klaus is an Orthodox Christian and spiritual child of Elder Sophrony of Essex. He was born into extremely unfortunate circumstances at the end of World War II: his father abandoned his family not long after they settled in their new home, his mother rejected him, and he was abused, mentally and physically, by a priest who promised to “educate” him. As Klaus sought to escape the hell of being unloved, he began to look for a way out of his misery, which took him on a journey through the manifold pleasures and promises of “this world”:  the Occult, Transcendental Meditation, the religious traditions of North and South America, Africa and the Middle East (including Israel), India and the Orient. His quest literally took him around the world several times over. He tried it all. But as Klaus himself relates in this remarkable story, the longest and hardest journey of them all was the one that goes from head to heart.

Not content with words alone, Klaus applied himself diligently to everything that he tried. In the process, he learned the techniques of the Occult, he was regarded as a guru in India, where he spent a number of years, and believed that he would end his life as a Buddhist monk in Thailand. The list of his experiences, the places he visited, and the people he met is endless. And along the way, he was given profound spiritual experiences, which led him to the One that he had always discounted – Jesus Christ.

Though entirely unaware of it at the time, Klaus’ “return” to Christianity began in Calcutta, with Mother Teresa, his “first mother”, as he describes her. It was facilitated later by the famous Protestant pastor, Maurice Ray, the first father-figure in Klaus’ life, from whom he had received exorcism. And it was brought to completion by Elder Sophrony of Essex, whose unconditional love and genuine friendship initiated Klaus into a world that he had never suspected even existed.

Because of the sincerity of his desire, God revealed himself to Klaus, brought him out of the chaos of our syncretistic culture, and led him to the place where the realization of our true personhood in and through Jesus Christ may be accomplished: the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church – the Orthodox Church.

Klaus Kenneth Eugene

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Sunday Snapshot: Visit of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God to St Nicholas Cathedral 2014

The “Kursk Root Icon visited St Nicholas Cathedral (FB) in Seattle, Washington  August 2014:



Many Thanks to Mr Kalfov for sharing.  Many more pictures can be found on the Parishes FB page.

The Kursk Root Icon visits St Nicholas Cathedral August 2014. Courtesy of Sergei Kalfov. All Rights Reserved.

Bishop Theodosius of Seattle  and parishioners praying before The Kursk Root Icon.  St Nicholas Cathedral August 2014. Courtesy of Sergei Kalfov. All Rights Reserved.

The Kursk Root Icon visits St Nicholas Cathedral August 2014. Courtesy of Sergei Kalfov. All Rights Reserved.

The Kursk Root Icon visits St Nicholas Cathedral August 2014. Courtesy of Sergei Kalfov. All Rights Reserved.

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St Nicholas’ Garden Has a Few Fall 2014 Openings for Homeschooling Orthodox Families in Milwaukie, Oregon

St. Nicholas’ Garden   is back again for another great year of fun and growth for homeschooled families of all faiths in need of Language Arts Support.  We teach reading, writing, spelling and thinking using the Riggs Method with lots of hands on Montessori to support grammar concepts.

The program offers a one or two day per week option and includes instruction in the Orthodox Faith. Our property is a one acre urban farm in Milwaukie complete with swings, treehouse, sandbox, working garden, apiary and chickens.


Lots of room for little legs to stretch during recess as well as an opportunity for social time with other homeschooled children.

The program is taught by certified teacher and master teacher of Riggs, Brigid Gerard.
For further information please contact her @ 971-678-9550 or visit her website



St.Nicholas’ Garden

We also offer instruction in the Orthodox Faith each day.
We have a few openings for students in grades K-3.
Check out our website
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Upcoming Greek Festivals in Washington State Fall 2014

  The Greek-American Historical Museum of Washington State presents:


 News from the Museum    August, 2014

With summer drawing to a close, there are four Greek festivals

around the state that will take

place in the next few months.  Here is the basic information

and links for more details

BELLINGHAM – ST. SOPHIA –  September 4,5 and 7

SPOKANE – HOLY TRINITY  September 25, 26 and 27

TACOMA –  ST. NICHOLAS  October 3, 4 and 5

SEATTLE – ST. DEMETRIOS  October, 10, 11 and 12




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Holy Transfiguration 2014 A Joyous Feast to All!

The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ (Second “Feast of the Saviour” in August).

Thou wast transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God,/ Who didst show Thy glory unto Thy disciples as far as they could bear it,/ May Thine ever-existing light shine forth also upon us sinners/ through the prayers of the Theotokos.// O Bestower of light, glory be to Thee!

Kontakion, idiomelon, in Tone VII —
On the mountain wast Thou transfigured,/ and Thy disciples beheld Thy glory as far as they could bear it, O Christ God;/ that when they would see Thee crucified,/ they would comprehend that Thy suffering was voluntary,// and proclaim to the world that Thou art of a truth the Effulgence of the Father.

 The Holy Transfiguration. Fresco-Visoki-Decani-Monastery-Serbia.jpg

The Holy Transfiguration.    A beautiful Icon from Fresco-Visoki-Decani-Monastery-Serbia.jpg

Преобразился еси на горе, Христе Боже, показавый учеником Твоим славу Твою, якоже можаху, да возсияет и нам, грешным, Свет Твой присносущный молитвами Богородицы, Светодавче, слава Тебе

Cuando Te transfiguraste, Oh Cristo Dios, en la montaña; Revelaste Tu Gloria a los discípulos según ellos pudieron contemplar. Haz resplandecer Tu Luz Eterna sobre nosotros pecadores; Por las intercesiones de la Madre de Dios; ¡Tú que otorgas la luz, gloria a ti!

ما تجلّيت أيها المسيح الإله في الجبل، أظهرتَ مجدك للتلاميذ حسبما استطاعوا، فأشرق لنا نحن الخطأة نورك الأزلي، بشفاعات والدة الإله، يا مانح النور المجد لك.

Przemieniłeś się na górze Chryste Boże,
ukazując chwałę swoją Twoim uczniom, na ile ujrzeć mogli.
Niech zajaśnieje i nam grzesznym Twoja światłość Wiekuista;
przez modlitwy Bogurodzicy, Światłości dawco, chwała Tobie.

When, O Christ our God, Thou wast transfigured on the mountain, Thou didst reveal Thy glory to Thy Disciples in proportion as they could bear it. Let Thine everlasting light also enlighten us sinners, through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O God Thou Bestower of light, glory to Thee.

Schimbatu-te-ai la faţă în munte, Hristoase Dumnezeule, arătându-le ucenicilor Tăi slava Ta, pe cât li se putea. Srăluceşte şi nouă, păcătoşilor, lumina Ta cea pururea fiitoare, pentru rugăciunile Născătoarei de Dumnezeu, Dătătorule de lumină, slavă Ţie

Μετεμορφώθης ἐν τῷ ὄρει Χριστὲ ὁ Θεός, δείξας τοῖς Μαθηταῖς σου τὴν δόξαν σου, καθὼς ἠδυναντο. Λάμψον καὶ ἡμῖν τοῖς ἁμαρτωλοῖς, τὸ φῶς σου τὸ ἀΐδιον, πρεσβείαις τῆς Θεοτόκου, φωτοδότα δόξα σοι

Preobraziłsia jesi na hore, Christie Boże,
pokazawyj uczenikom Twoim sławu Twoju jakoże możachu:
da wozsijajet i nam hresznym swiet Twoj prisnosuszcznyj,
molitwami Bohorodicy, Swietodawcze, sława Tiebie

Enjoy the Troparion in the above languages:

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Sunday Snapshot: Various Youth working, Cupola Raising, Our Lady of Czestochowa,

Dormition  Fast. 

Holy Seven Youths (the “Seven Sleepers”) of Ephesus: Maximilian, Jamblicus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian (Constantine) and Antoninus (250 & 5th c.). New Hieromartyr Cosmas of Aitolia, Equal to the Apostles (1779) (Greek).
St Martin the Merciful Russian Orthodox Church in Corvallis had a Work Party this past June. Youth from several parishes of different jurisdictions showed up to work together-what a great idea!

“The Youth Project surpassed all expectations, both in terms of the experiences of the youth involved, and the quality of the finished work.  Nineteen (19) youth, representing eight (8) parishes, took part in the event.  During the Project, substantial progress was also made on the landscaping irrigation system for the Church grounds (a special ‘thank you’ to Mr. Glenn Clinkenbeard for all his work designing and installing this system).  Recreational and spiritual activities were provided during the evenings and all day Thursday.  It was truly a blessing for everyone involved.  (Photos are from website click for more!)


Before Work Party at St Martins. (Picture form St Martin Website all rights reserved)


Slight improvement after work party! June 2014  ( Photo from St Martins Website click photo to see all the work all rights reserved)

Thank you to all who helped with the logistics of the event!” (quote from parish email emphasis editor)

The St. Martin parish is striving to complete its new Parish Hall by its feast day, October 25.  Donations are very welcome, online or otherwise (please contact the parish rector, Fr. James Baglien, at or 541-738-0600).

The raising of a new Cupola at St John the Wonderworker  in Eugene Oregon!


Raising of new Cupola at St John the WonderWorker in Eugene Oregon summer 2014 from FB, unk source.

Our Lady of Czestochowa “a replica of the  world-famous “Black Madonna” icon travelling the world with the From Ocean to Ocean Pilgrimage In Defense of Human Life brings came to  St. Katherine Orthodox Church, Kirkland, WA this past July.  (Original post here)

PJR-Clergy with icon

PJR-Clergy with the Black Madonna Icon at St Katherines in Kirkland, Washington. (thank you to Ms. Nancy D for sharing) All Rights Reserved.

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“Expanding the Greek Legacy A Historical Odyssey” University of Washinton Exhibit Aug 18-Oct 6, 2014

Dormition Fast 

 The Greek-American Historical Museum of Washington State presents:



August 18-October 6, 2014

University of Washington – Seattle

Suzzallo Allen Library

Lobby, ground floor Allen North


This exhibit recognizes the distinguished career of University of Washington Professor Carol Thomas and her 2014 book, Greece: A Short History of a Long Story, 7000 BCE to the Present, and the Gust Rakus Family Gift which supports library acquisition of Hellenic Studies resources. The display Showcases the remarkable history of the Greek people and their country, as revealed through artifacts and printed materials.

A conversation with Professor Thomas is scheduled for September 30, 2014, at 3:30pm, in the Allen Auditorium, to be followed by a reception in honor of the Rakus Family, Allen Library, 4th floor.

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Two Orthodox Liturgical Music Conferences Approaching in October , 2014 Plan Now!

Forefeast of the Procession of the Precious and Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

There are two Orthodox Liturgical singing seminars coming up so make your plans early.  The first listed will be held in the NW and the singing will be in English.  The second will be held in California with most of the music in Church Slavonic the second will have more   instructors available.  Both are wonderful opportunities!

Pacific Northwest Pan-Orthodox Liturgical Singing Seminar, hosted by the Annunciation Orthodox Church in Milwaukie, Oregon,  all Orthodox singers are invited!


The Church of the Annunciation, Milwaukie, OR, October 11, 2014.
Dear Church Musicians,
You all are invited to join us for the the interactive, full-day seminar/workshop, that will focus on the actualization of music in Orthodox Christian worship so as to “enable a comprehensive and elevated liturgical experience through insightful and skilled leadership and participation.”
Topics will include vocal technique, choral leadership, musical and liturgical structural analysis, and learning to distinguish between meaningful imperative and sacred music cliché.
You can see the schedule/registration form here:
Facebook:  “Pacific Northwest Pan-Orthodox Liturgical Singing Seminar”
Please, register early and spread the word!
Any questions? Contact:
Irena Burkett,
Church of the Annunciation,
Milwaukie OR


23rd Russian Orthodox Musicians Conference  (fb)Oct 8-12, 2014 in Santa Rosa, CA..



The 23rd Russian Orthodox Church Musician’s Conference will be hosted by Saints Peter and Paul Church in beautiful Santa Rosa, CA, from October 8th to 12th, 2014.

Fundamentals of Musicianship for the Church Choir and its Conductor

This year marks the 23rd ROCM Conference, which will be held in beautiful Santa Rosa, California, and hosted by the Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church parish. The conference will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Sonoma Wine Country, located in Rohnert Park, CA. The 2004 Conference was also held in Santa Rosa, and was a great success.

This year our conference theme is Fundamentals of Musicianship for the Church Choir and its Conductor. The focus will be on increasing the skill, knowledge, artistic sensitivity, and prayerful execution of church singing as well as the role of the conductor in building fluidity of harmony, nuances, and choral blend. The faculty includes guest conductors and lecturers with a range of expertise. Speakers will be announced soon!

Participants will gain practical and theoretical knowledge and experience through lectures, workshops and rehearsals which culminate in festive hierarchical services. Further, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, get to know like-minded people, and expand their liturgical repertoire. Conference presentations and discussions will be conducted in both English and Russian, with simultaneous translations provided as needed.

His Grace, The Right Reverend Theodosy, Bishop of Seattle (Vicar Bishop of the Western American Diocese) will be serving the All-Night Vigil and the Divine Liturgy. The All-Night Vigil and the Divine Liturgy will be held at:

Sts. Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church

An “early bird” discount is available through July 1st ($50 off full registration, double occupancy).

More information here.” From Website”

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Christ in the Wilderness Retreat at Suttle Lake Oct 3-5, 2014 Plan Now!

Christ in the Wilderness Program presents a retreat in the wilderness with Fr Athanasius Shaw of Annunciation Parish in PortlandChrist in the Wilderness registration.

Suttle Lake Flyer

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Study Modern Greek Online with the University of Washington State Fall 2014

  The Greek-American Historical Museum of Washington State presents:




University of Washington  Modern Greek Classes – Fall of 2014

From: Loryn Paxton <>
Subject: Modern Greek Language opportunity

Here’s a great new opportunity for anyone who wants to learn Modern Greek! We would greatly appreciate it if you could let everyone know about it:

University of Washington will offer Modern Greek Language this fall, Autumn 2014, online!
For particulars please see:

JSIS E 111
Online Modern Greek
Fundamentals of Oral and Written Modern Greek Language (5)


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Sunday Snapshot St Gebriel Annual Celebration 2014



Saint Gebriel Ethiopian Church (FB) in Seattle, Washington, celebrated St Gebriel July 27, 2014 with joy!

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Српски дани, Kelowna / Serbian Days in Kelowna, BC Aug 2-3, 2014

Eve Holy Glorious Prophet Elias (Elijah) (9th c. B.C.) St. Alexis Medvedkov, archpriest of Uzine (1934), Elias Fondaminskii (1942), Priest Demetrius Klepinine (1944), George Skobtsov (1944), and Nun Maria (Skobtsova) (1945), of Paris.

Sorry for the late notice this just in:

“Dear brothers and sisters,

St. Elijah parish (FB)in Kelowna celebrates Serbian Days this weekend (details below).”

Српски дани, Kelowna / Serbian Days in Kelowna


Српска Православна Мисионарска Парохија Свети Илија у Келони организује;


Суботa и Недељa, 02. и 03. Агуста 2014

Субота, 2. август- св. пророк Илија
10ч – Светa Литургија, служити ћe свештеник Mирocлaв Дејанов
12ч – Пикник на црквеном имању и сали (585 Gerstmar Rd.)
Специјалитети са ровштиља, прасеће и јагњеће печење,ЛИКЕР БAР
Специјалнa пoнудa, Бaфaлoca рaжњa.

– Ветерани фолклорнoг ансамбла“Вук Караџић”из Ванкувера и фолклорнaгрупа “Jeлeчe” из Келонe. Прeдcтaвићe ce cacплeтoм нaрoдних кoла из зaвичaja.

Недеља, 3. август
10ч – св.Aрхиjeрejскa Литургија, литија и освећење славског колача, служиће Њeгoвo Преoсвeштенствo Епископ  Канaдски г.Гeoргиjе
12ч – Свечани ручак кojи припрeмajу кумoви слaвe.
19ч – Отварање сале, од 20ч до 1 ујутро–музички програм – Концерт, игранка и прослава,зaбaвљaчe вaс музичар “Драган Чупави”из Торонтa

Улазнице: одрасли  $30, студенти $15, укључeна вечера,-шведски сто-

Информације: ПeрoMилojeвић   (250)215-3760
Ненад Кнежевић   (250)864-1391

St. Ilija Serbian Orthodox Missionary Parish of  Kelowna presents;

Saturday and Sunday, 2nd & 3rd of August 2014

Saturday, August 2 – St. Ilija – Patron Saint Celebration
10 AM – Holy Liturgy, presided by Fr. Miroslav Dejanov from Vancouver
12 NOON – Picnic on the church property at 585 Gerstmar Rd. Kelowna
BBQ Specialties, pork and lamb roast, cash bar

– Veteran folk dance ensemble “Vuk Karadzic” from Vancouver and
local folklore group “Yeleche” from Kelowna will present a variety of traditional folk dances from our homeland.

Sunday, August 3
10 AM – Holy “Arhijerejska” Liturgy, presided by His Grace Georgije, Bishop of Canada
12 NOON – Festive lunch will be served
7 PM – Hall opens, cocktails – 8 PM to 1 AM live music -concert, dance and celebration, entertainment: “Dragan Cupavi” from Toronto

Tickets: Adults $ 30, students $ 15, includes dinner buffet featuring roasted buffalo.  Limited seating of 120 – Get your tickets early!!!

Information: Peter  Milojevic   (250) 215-3760
Nenad Knežević  (250) 864-1391


Црква/Church: 585 Gerstmar Road, Kelowna
Пикник /Picnic: 3940 East Kelowna Road  (2.5км од Цркве/2.5km from Church)

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Holy Land Tour this October 13-25, 2014 with Orthodox Tours Plan Now!

Orthodox Tours presents:

Ancient and Holy in the Holy Land”

(Israel – Palestine and Jordan) with Fr. Ilya Gotlinsky5109XMRU1


October 13 – 25, 2014

The proposed trip is an Orthodox Christian pilgrimage and educational tour. We combine visits to sites of religious significance with stops at places of historical and archaeological importance. The tour will be of interest to all who have an interest in the Early Church, Monasticism and the Ancient Middle East.

If you are interested in joining this tour or have any questions, please contact us!

Ancient and Holy in the Holy Land is a unique trip that combines several features. It is first and foremost an Orthodox Christian pilgrimage. Our highest priority is the veneration of the Holy Sites associated with the Earthly Ministry of our Savior, Most Holy Virgin Mary, Apostles of our Lord and a multitude of righteous individuals from the Old and New Testament. Therefore, we will first and foremost visit Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, Mt. Tabor and number of sites in Galilee. At the same time, we seek to provide members of our tour with a better understanding of the ecclesiastical and cultural-historical background of the Holy Land; for this reason, we will visit important monuments of the Jewish and Nabatean past – Masada, Qumran, and Petra, as well as imposing Roman Ruins at Sephoris and Jerash. The trip includes visits to important monuments of the Byzantine past, chiefly active and ruined monastic sites of Israel and Jordan, such as the monasteries of St. Sabbas, St. Theodosius, St. George of Hoziba, and the foundations at Kursi and Um Rassas. While this religious tour is prepared with an Orthodox traveler in mind, anyone interested in Early Church History and in the Antiquities of the Middle East will surely benefit from our voyage.  Click here for more info.

Orthodox Tours “specializes in custom tours and pilgrimages to the holy pilgrim sites and places of interest of the Early Church and Eastern Christendom. Our tour themes include Sacred Art, Christian Monasticism and uniquely tailored tours that combine elements of pilgrimage to the most revered sites of the Christendom with interesting educational historical excursions. The director and spiritual advisor of the company is a Russian Orthodox priest. We therefore proudly offer numerous unique tours of Russia. Each of these Russian tours deal with different aspects of Russian church and state history, and national and regional culture. All of our tours are designed individually in order to accommodate people in the best way possible and to provide the most comprehensive insight into the tour theme. We offer a number of pre-packaged tours every year, but we also welcome parish, group and individual requests for organizing custom made tours…” From the website

Please note this is not a NW company, but may be of interest to those living in the NW.

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NW Priest Preparing for Mission to the Philippines-You Can Help!

Great-martyr Marina (Margaret) of Antioch in Pisidia (4th c.)

““By Divine Providence, the diaspora emerged in order that the light of Orthodoxy would shine throughout the world.” — St John of Shanghai and San Francisco

Open Air Liturgy with St John in Tubabao, the Philippines.

Open Air Liturgy with St John in Tubabao, the Philippines.

Sixty years ago, Saint John shepherded his flock of Russian refugees in the Philippines. Now a Russian Orthodox mission is working to share the fullness of the Faith. Here you’ll find information about the mission, news from the Philippines, and how you can help.” (from the Philippine ROCOR Mission Website) (FB)

Fr Silouan of St Silouan Orthodox Church in Walla Walla, Washington is preparing to move to the Philippines later this August for the Orthodox Mission there.  The website has far more information including, history, brief biographies of Mission leaders, community information, budget details etc….  Fr Silouan is planning to live simply and minister to the communities there.  But he does need your help both prayerful and financial.  Fr Silouan has been a faithful reader/cantor prior to his Ordination, and has regularly served daily services at the Church of Saint Silouan.  He will be greatly missed.

“Priest Silouan Thompson serves at Saint Silouan Orthodox Church, in Walla Walla, Washington USA.

As a young man, he studied in the Philippines, where he came to faith in Christ and learned the Cebuano language. Prior to becoming Orthodox in 1999, he worked in refugee resettlement and pastoral ministry, planting a Vietnamese-language mission and teaching English as a second language.

With the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion, he has now been ordained to the priesthood to undertake missionary work in the Philippines. He is now raising funds to return to the Philippines.”  (quote from the website)

Philippine Mission from the Philippine Mission of ROCOR Website.  Please pray and think of financially supporting the mission.

Many Years to the Philippine Mission.  Photo from the Philippine Mission of ROCOR Website. Please pray and think of financially supporting the mission.


2014-05-31 Fr. Silouan's Ordination 048_2

Many Years Fr Silouan !!! (Previously posted photo on the day of his Ordination) Photo courtesy of John C. -many thanks and all rights reserved.

From a previous post:  Fr Silouan and St Silouan Parish were featured in a brief overview video by a student at Whitman College.  Commentary is provided by the parish Deacon Fr  Silouan.

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Interview On AFR about Doxacon Seattle – Where Faith and Truth meets Science Fiction and Fantasy Aug 2014, Plan Now!

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Bobby Maddex interviews Fr. David Subu and Daniel Silver about an upcoming event called Doxacon, which may very well be the first Orthodox conference on science fiction and fantasy. Here is the recent interview on Ancient Faith Radio:
Where Faith & Truth Meet Science Fiction & Fantasy–In Seattle!
What is Doxacon (FB)?  Ask no more. A group of west coast “Geek Orthodox” were inspired by last year’s invent and have officially announced “Doxacon Seattle” for August 22-24.  Doxacon Seattle Press Release and Announcement

“In the shadow of Mount Rainier, between the magnificent Cascades and the majestic Olympics, the Geek Orthodox of Seattle want you to join us for a weekend of services, presentations, and fellowship. Doxacon Seattle promises to be an amazing opportunity for learning and deepening our faith.

Hear talks about the spiritual dimensions of popular culture staples such as Star TrekHarry PotterBattlestar Galactica, or Firefly. Hear about the theological implications of Doctor WhoThe Lord of the Rings, or Babylon 5. Participate in some rousing and edifying discussion on topics such as children’s fantasy literature, gaming (tabletop and video), and the difference between Fantasy and fantasy. Won’t you please come to our shindig!

If you’re interested in attending or presenting, please contact us: at or call 805-689-2459.” (from Doxacon website)

For those on the east coast, the original Doxacon team, which will now be known as “Doxacon Prime”, are in the works for planning the next one in 2015 in the heart of Washington D.C. itself–yes, we will just walk, drive, or take Metro to Mordor! Plans are still in the beginning stages and once Doxacon Seattle has passed, we will release more information for Doxacon Prime 2015. For those who know they will attend Doxacon Prime 2015 and would like to be considered as a presenter, please email Doxacon Prime chair, Daniel Silver at with your topic of interest.
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